Lion's Gate is an astrological alignment and ancient Egyptian holiday that marks a period of heightened cosmic energy. August 8th is one of the most potent days of the year for harnessing new light codes specifically related to abundance and prosperity. Not just in wealth but abundance of energy, vitality, and the virtues of the angelic soul.

Some say Lions Gate is the Sun's birthday and can give you a full energetic reset if you can consciously harness the powerful energy from the Sun and star Sirius.

What is the lions

message for humanity?

How to live fearless?

How do we know if we are coming from our small self or greatest self?

Now more than ever we need the the heart of humanity to rise up. To come into greater mastery to shift the Earths consciousness. To let go of densities, unconscious programing, patterns and any ancestral epigenetics controlling our life.

To do this you must have courage like the lion, to go deep within ones self, to truly know thyself.

Calling earth Guardians To inherit there divine inheritance of abundance

Welcome to the 8-8 Lionsgate Activation! This sacred time is an opportunity for us all to come together in harmonic resonance, with focused intent, for the collective awakening. Harness the powerful frequencies of the Lionsgate portal, drawing on the ancient wisdom of the Lyrans and the star history they have gifted us. This year, join us as we explore the history of the Lyrans, their connection to Sirius, and how to really connect with the Sun, Sirius and Lyra to use this powerful portal as an acceleration in your Ascension process.

As we open ourselves to the frequencies of the Lionsgate portal, we reflect on our beliefs around security and abundance. The human genetic code, though altered over millennia, was originally seeded in perfection. By absorbing the photonic light, we activate our genetic angelic potential and move closer to the perfected state of being.

Join us on 8-8 for this powerful transmission. Open your heart, absorb the light, and awaken your courageous lion within. Let us unite not only for ourself but for the grids for the planet. As we anchor in this new light we act as acupuncture points around the world to co-create the Golden Age on Earth.

Whats Included

Galactic History Overview:

  • Learn about the significance of Lions Gate and its connections to ancient Egyptian traditions and the Lyrans.

    Energetic Activation:

    • Participate in a group activation to harness the powerful energies of Lions Gate.

    • Anchor your courageous lioness power to step deeper into your purpose on Earth.

    Light Embodiment and Density Release:

    • Techniques to embody more light and release density.

    • Transform shadows into light, utilizing the potent energies of this day.

    Spirit Guide Connection:

    • Meet and connect with your lion spirit guides.

    • Receive guidance and support from these powerful beings.

    Galactic Downloads and Breakthroughs:

    • Receive new insights and breakthroughs.

    • Enhance your spiritual growth and understanding.

    Genetic Activation:

    • Activate your genetic remembrance and together lets unlock more of your Angelic Blueprint.

    • Experience a reset by consciously harnessing the energy from the Sun and Sirius.

    Abundance and Prosperity Codes:

    • Integrate new light codes specifically related to abundance and prosperity.

    • Cultivate abundance not just in wealth, but in energy, vitality, and angelic virtues.

Contact Us

Please message us with any questions:

Text or Call Maggie: 760-472-6513